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Cambridge English Cerificate 2023/24: Our experience in achieving C1 and C2

Cambridge English Cerificate 2023/24: Our experience in achieving C1 and C2

Understanding the Cambridge English Certificate and the reasons for taking extra-curricular English lessons with Cambridge AG is vital for students aiming to develop advanced English skills.

The Cambridge English Certficate is a way to improve your English. It is also a way of proving your English language skills. In additon, future employers often look for the Cambridge Certficate in your application later. The Cambridge Certificate is more in-depth than the B2 grade you will get when you take your A-levels in English. It is also recognized by over 25.000 educational institutions, employers and governments around the world.

What is Cambridge AG?

Many students are sceptical about after-school English classes, but this skepticism is usually transformed into enthusiasm. The atmosphere of the afternoon classes is far from the typical school environment. They are fun and relaxed, sometimes even humorous.

During the lessons we would practise our English skills by taking sample

Cambridge exams. These exams consist of five categories: reading, use of English, writing, listening and speaking. We would usually spend each lesson doing one of the five parts of the exam. Sometimes we would also spend a lesson discussing a current affairs topic. This turned out to be quite interesting: learning what other students think and being able to express your own opinion in excellent English.

In this semester you can have lessons either on Mondays or Fridays. The lessons are given by Mr. Weisenburger, who helped us to improve our English very quickly. Therefore, it is safe to say that the Cambridge AG has undoubtedly proved to be extremely beneficial.

How do the exams work?

Once you have practised enough and are ready to take the exams, Mr. Weisenburger will arrange a suitable point of time for the exam. Normally the exam is held on two separate days, one for the written part and one for the speaking part. However, we had the rare opportunity to take the exams on the same day.

We did our written exam first. Everything was well organized. They explained the rules and then we were let into the exam hall. We were all quite nervous, but the kindness of the examiners calmed us all down. The exams were all like the ones we had practised. However, without the excellent preparation we had received from Mr. Weisenburger, we would probably have done badly or most likely failed. Luckily, we had practised everything and we were all quite happy with our work.

After a short break, we did our speaking test. We were all quite relaxed at this point, but the comforting atmosphere created by the examiner helped us even more. Even though the exam was structured similarly to the oral exam at school, it felt nothing like it because it was more relaxed.

We received our results on the 15th of January, a few weeks ahead of schedule. Thanks to the great preparation we were able to achieve excellent results: C1 and even C2.

In short, I highly recommend taking part in the Cambridge AG if you want to learn or improve your English. It was not only an educational journey, but also an enjoyable and memorable experience.

Special thanks to our teacher, Mr. Weisenburger, without whom we would not have achieved the results we did.